
Groups allow the user to combine multiple entities into one. A group can be promoted to a view by setting view: yes under the group definition. This will make the group available as a new tab in the frontend.

Check the Set State page from the Developer Tools and browse the Current entities: listing for all available entities.

By default, every group appears in the HOME tab. If you create a group default_view it will REPLACE the contents of the HOME tab so you can customize the HOME tab as you wish.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    view: yes
    icon: mdi:home 
      - group.awesome_people
      - group.climate
    name: Kitchen
      - switch.kitchen_pin_3
    name: Kids
    icon: mdi:account-multiple
    view: yes
      - input_boolean.notify_home
      - camera.demo_camera
      - device_tracker.demo_paulus
    name: Climate
    view: no
      - sensor.bedroom_temp
      - sensor.porch_temp
    name: Awesome People
    view: no
      - device_tracker.dad_smith
      - device_tracker.mom_smith

Configuration variables:

  • view (Optional): If yes then the entry will be shown as a view (tab) at the top.
  • name (Optional): Name of the group.
  • icon (Optional): If the group is a view, this icon will show at the top in the frontend instead of the name. If the group is a view and both name and icon have been specified, the icon will appear at the top of the fronted and the name will be displayed as the mouse-over text. If it’s not a view, then the icon shows when this group is used in another group.
  • control (Optional): Set value to hidden. If hidden then the group switch will be hidden.
  • entities (Required): array or comma delimited string, list of entities to group.

Example of groups shown as views in the frontend.

If all entities in a group are switches or lights then Home Assistant adds a switch at the top of the card that turns them all on/off at once. If you want to hide this switch, set control to hidden.

You can create views (tabs) that contain other groups. Notice in the example below that in order to refer to the group “Living Room”, you use group.living_room (lowercase and spaces replaced with underscores).

# Example configuration.yaml entry that shows two groups, referred to in a view group (tab)
  Living Room:
    control: hidden
      - light.light_family_1
      - binary_sensor.motion_living

  Bedroom: light.light_bedroom, switch.sleeping

    view: yes
    name: Rooms
      - group.living_room
      - group.bedroom