
The influxdb component makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an external InfluxDB database. For more details, see the blog post on InfluxDB.


The default InfluxDB configuration doesn’t enforce authentication. If you have installed InfluxDB on the same host where Home Assistant is running and haven’t made any configuration changes, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry

You will still need to create a database named home_assistant via InfluxDB’s web interface or command line. For instructions how to create a database check the InfluxDB documentation relevant to the version you have installed.

Configuration variables:

  • host (Optional): IP address of your database host, e.g. Defaults to localhost.
  • port (Optional): Port to use. Defaults to 8086.
  • username (Optional): The username of the database user. The user needs read/write privileges on the database.
  • password (Optional): The password for the database user account.
  • database (Optional): Name of the database to use. Defaults to home_assistant. The database must already exist.
  • ssl (Optional): Use https instead of http to connect. Defaults to false.
  • verify_ssl (Optional): Verify SSL certificate for https request. Defaults to false.
  • default_measurement (Optional): Measurement name to use when an entity doesn’t have a unit. Defaults to entity id.
  • override_measurement (Optional): Measurement name to use instead of unit or default measurement. This will store all data points in a single measurement.
  • component_config, component_config_domain, component_config_glob (Optional): These attributes contains component-specific override values. See Customizing devices and services for format.
    • override_measurement (Optional): Measurement name to use for this component, takes precedence over the global ‘override_measurement’ and component-specific ‘unit_of_measurement’ attribute.
  • exclude (Optional): Configure which components should be excluded from recording to InfluxDB.
    • entities (Optional): The list of entity ids to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB.
    • domains (Optional): The list of domains to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB.
  • include (Optional): Configure which components should be included in recordings to InfluxDB. If set, all other entities will not be recorded to InfluxDB. Values set by the blacklist option will prevail.
    • entities (Optional): The list of entity ids to be included from recordings to InfluxDB.
    • domains (Optional): The list of domains to be included from recordings to InfluxDB.
  • tags (Optional): Tags to mark the data.
  • tags_attributes (Optional): The list of attribute names which should be reported as tags and not fields to InfluxDB. For example, if set to friendly_name, it will be possible to group by entities’ friendly names as well, in addition to their ids.

Data migration

Starting with 0.36 the InfluxDB component has a new schema to store values in the InfluxDB databases.

  • There will no longer be any tags/fields named time.
  • All numeric fields (int/float/bool) will be stored as float inside InfluxDB database.
  • All string fields corresponding to state attributes will be renamed as FIELDNAME_str, where FIELDNAME is the state attribute, to avoid type conflicts.
  • All string fields corresponding to a state will be renamed as state (former value).
  • Fields named value will always be stored as float.
  • Fields named state will always be stored as string.

Migration script

If you need to migrate your database, you may require to run the influxdb_migrator script. Run the script after upgrade to 0.36 but before the first regular start of hass version 0.36.

These are the steps the script will perform:

  1. Create a new database (called DBNAME__old) to store old data.
  2. Copy data from DBNAME database to DBNAME__old database.
  3. Empty DBNAME database (using drop then create). DBNAME database is now considered as the new database.
  4. For each measurement of DBNAME__old database:
  5. Read all points from the current measurement (in groups of 1000 points by default) and convert them.
  6. Send group of points to DBNAME database.
  7. Delete the DBNAME__old database if needed.

Example to run the script:

$ hass --script influxdb_migrator \

Script arguments:

required arguments:
  -d dbname, --dbname dbname  InfluxDB database name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H host, --host host  InfluxDB host address
  -P port, --port port  InfluxDB host port
  -u username, --username username
                        InfluxDB username
  -p password, --password password
                        InfluxDB password
  -s step, --step step  How many points to migrate at the same time
  -o override_measurement, --override-measurement override_measurement
                        Store all your points in the same measurement
  -D, --delete          Delete old database
  • If you run the script with only the -h option, you will get a help printout with a short explanation of the different options.
  • The host option defaults to ''.
  • The port option defaults to 8086.
  • You should be able to omit username and password if InfluxDB authentication is disabled, which it is by default.
  • The step option defaults to 1000.

Data import script

If you want to import all the recorded data from your recorder database you can use the data import script. It will read all your state_change events from the database and add them as data-points to the InfluxDB. You can specify the source database either by pointing the --config option to the config directory which includes the default sqlite database or by giving a sqlalchemy connection URI with --uri. The writing to InfluxDB is done in batches that can be changed with --step.

You can control, which data is imported by using the commandline options --exclude_entities and --exclude_domains. Both get a comma separated list of either entity-ids or domain names that are excluded from the import.

To test what gets imported you can use the --simulate option, which disables the actual write to the InfluxDB instance. This only writes the statistics how much points would be imported from which entity.

Example to run the script:

$ hass --script influxdb_import --config CONFIG_DIR \
    --dbname INFLUXDB_DB_NAME --exclude_domains automation,configurator

Script arguments:

required arguments:
  -d dbname, --dbname dbname
                        InfluxDB database name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c path_to_config_dir, --config path_to_config_dir
                        Directory that contains the Home Assistant
  --uri URI             Connect to URI and import (if other than default
                        sqlite) eg: mysql://localhost/homeassistant

  -H host, --host host  InfluxDB host address
  -P port, --port port  InfluxDB host port
  -u username, --username username
                        InfluxDB username
  -p password, --password password
                        InfluxDB password
  -s step, --step step  How many points to import at the same time
  -t tags, --tags tags  Comma separated list of tags (key:value) for all
  -D default_measurement, --default-measurement default_measurement
                        Store all your points in the same measurement
  -o override_measurement, --override-measurement override_measurement
                        Store all your points in the same measurement
  -e exclude_entities, --exclude_entities exclude_entities
                        Comma separated list of excluded entities
  -E exclude_domains, --exclude_domains exclude_domains
                        Comma separated list of excluded domains
  -S, --simulate        Do not write points but simulate preprocessing
                        and print statistics


Full configuration

  port: 20000
  database: DB_TO_STORE_EVENTS
  username: MY_USERNAME
  password: MY_PASSWORD
  ssl: true
  verify_ssl: true
  default_measurement: state
       - entity.id1
       - entity.id2
       - automation
       - entity.id3
       - entity.id4
    instance: prod
    source: hass