The fastdotcom sensor component uses the web service to measure network bandwidth performance.

Currently only supports measuring download bandwidth. If you want to measure bandwidth metrics other then download such as ping and upload, utilize the speedtest component.

By default, it will run every hour. The user can change the update frequency in the config by defining the minute, hour, and day for a speedtest to run.

To add a sensor to your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

Once per hour, on the hour (default):

  - platform: fastdotcom 

More examples:

Every half hour of every day:

  - platform: fastdotcom
      - 0
      - 30

Configuration variables:

  • minute (Optional): Specify the minute(s) of the hour to schedule the speedtest. Use a list for multiple entries. Default is 0.
  • hour (Optional): Specify the hour(s) of the day to schedule the speedtest. Use a list for multiple entries. Default is None.
  • day (Optional): Specify the day(s) of the month to schedule the speedtest. Use a list for multiple entries. Default is None.
  • manual (Optional): True or False to turn manual mode on or off. Manual mode will disable scheduled speedtests.

There is also a service named sensor.update_fastdotcom that you can use to run a speedtest on demand. You can turn on manual mode to disable the scheduled speedtests.