
The uber sensor will give you time and price estimates for all available Uber products at the given location. The ATTRIBUTES are used to provide extra information about products, such as estimated trip duration, distance and vehicle capacity. By default, 2 sensors will be created for each product at the given start location, one for pickup time and one for current price. The sensor is powered by the official Uber API.

You must create an application here to obtain a server_token.

To enable this sensor, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: uber
    server_token: 'BeAPPTDsWZSHLf7fd9OWjZkIezweRw18Q8NltY27'

Configuration variables:

  • server_token (Required): A server token obtained from developer.uber.com after creating an app.
  • start_latitude (Optional): The starting latitude for a trip. Defaults to the latitude in your your configuration.yaml file.
  • start_longitude (Optional): The starting longitude for a trip. Defaults to the longitude in your configuration.yaml file.
  • end_latitude (Optional): The ending latitude for a trip. While end_latitude is optional, it is strongly recommended to provide an end_latitude/end_longitude when possible as you will get more accurate price and time estimates.
  • end_longitude (Optional): The ending longitude for a trip. While end_longitude is optional, it is strongly recommended to provide an end_latitude/end_longitude when possible as you will get more accurate price and time estimates.
  • product_ids (Options): A list of Uber product UUIDs. If provided, sensors will only be created for the given product IDs. Please note that product IDs are region and some times even more specific geographies based. The easiest way to find a UUID is to click on a sensor in the Home Assistant frontend and look for “Product ID” in the attributes.

A full configuration entry could look like the sample below:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: uber
    start_latitude: 37.8116380
    start_longitude: -122.2648050
    end_latitude: 37.7768520
    end_longitude: -122.4155500
    server_token: 'BeAPPTDsWZSHLf7fd9OWjZkIezweRw18Q8NltY27'
      - '04a497f5-380d-47f2-bf1b-ad4cfdcb51f2'