
The ohmconnect sensor will show you the current OhmConnect status for the given OhmConnect ID.

OhmConnect monitors real-time conditions on the electricity grid. When dirty and unsustainable power plants turn on, our users receive a notification to save energy. By saving energy at that time, California does not have to turn on additional power plants and California’s energy authorities pay you for that.

You can find your OhmConnect ID under “Open Source Projects” on the settings page. It’s the string after the last / in the URL, i.e. for the URL https://login.ohmconnect.com/verify-ohm-hour/AbCd1e your ID is AbCd1e.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: ohmconnect
    id: AbCd1e

Configuration variables:

  • id (Required): Your OhmConnect ID which can be found on the settings page.
  • name (Optional): A name to display on the sensor. The default is “OhmConnect Status”.