Digital Loggers Switch

The digitalloggers switch platform allows you to control the state of your Digital Loggers switches.

To use your digitalloggers switch in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: digitalloggers

Configuration variables:

  • host (Required): The IP address or FQDN of your DIN III relay, eg. or
  • name (Optional): The name to use when controlling this relay. Default: DINRelay.
  • username (Optional): Credentials for controlling this relay. Default: admin.
  • password (Optional): Credentials for controlling this relay. Default: admin.
  • timeout (Optional): Default timeout as set by the underlying python-dlipower library is 20 seconds. Override it if you need to. Valid range is 1 to 600.
  • cycletime (Optional): This is the delay enforced by the library when you send multiple commands to the same device. The default relay cycle time is 2 seconds. Override it if you need to. Valid range is 1 to 600. A delay is a recommendation of Digital Loggers:

    Many loads draw more power when they are initially switched on. Sequencing prevents circuit overloads when loads devices are attached to a single circuit.

Your relays will be available in the form switch.fantasticrelaydevice_individualrelayname

Note: There is currently a limitation of the dlipower library used by the digitalloggers component that communication is only available over port 80.