Raspberry Pi RF Switch

The rpi_rf switch platform allows you to control devices over 433/315MHz LPD/SRD signals with generic low-cost GPIO RF modules on a Raspberry Pi.

Interoperable with codes sniffed via the rpi-rf module or rc-switch. For more info see the PyPi module description: rpi-rf.

To enable, add the following to your configuration.yaml:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: rpi_rf
    gpio: 17
        code_on: 1234567
        code_off: 1234568
        pulselength: 200
        code_on: 987654
        code_off: 133742
        protocol: 5
        code_on: 654321,565874,233555,149874
        code_off: 654320,565873,233554,149873
        signal_repetitions: 15

Configuration variables:

  • gpio (Required): GPIO to which the data line of the TX module is connected.
  • switches: (Required): The array that contains all switches.
    • [entry] (Required): Name of the switch. Multiple entries are possible.
      • code_on (Required): Decimal code(s) to switch the device on. To run multiple codes in a sequence, separate the individual codes with commas ‘,’.
      • code_off (Required): Decimal code(s) to switch the device off. To run multiple codes in a sequence, separate the individual codes with commas ‘,’.
      • protocol (Optional): RF Protocol (Default is 1).
      • pulselength (Optional): Pulselength (Default is the protocol default).
      • signal_repetitions (Optional): Number of times to repeat transmission (default is 10, can increase to try to improve reliability).