The lifx platform allows you to integrate your LIFX into Home Assistant.

Please note, the lifx platform does not support Windows. The lifx_legacy platform (supporting basic functionality) can be used instead.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: lifx

Configuration variables:

  • broadcast (Optional): The broadcast address for discovering lights. Only needed if using more than one network interface. Omit if you are unsure.
  • server (Optional): Your server address. Will listen on all interfaces if omitted. Omit if you are unsure.

Set state

The LIFX bulbs allow a change of color and brightness even when they are turned off. This way you can control the light during the day so its settings are correct when events for turning on are received, for example from motion detectors or external buttons.

The normal light.turn_on call cannot be used for this because it always turns the power on. Thus, LIFX has its own service call that allows color changes without affecting the current power state.

Service light.lifx_set_state

Change the light to a new state.

Service data attribute Description
entity_id String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of lights. Else targets all.
transition Duration (in seconds) for the light to fade to the new state.
zones List of integers for the zone numbers to affect (each LIFX Z strip has 8 zones, starting at 0).
infrared Automatic infrared level (0..255) when light brightness is low (for compatible bulbs).
power Turn the light on (True) or off (False). Leave out to keep the power as it is.
... Use color_name, brightness etc. from light.turn_on to specify the new state.

Light effects

The LIFX platform supports several light effects. You can start these effects with default options by using the effect attribute of the normal light.turn_on service, for example like this:

  - alias: ...
      # ...
      - service: light.turn_on
          effect: lifx_effect_pulse

However, if you want to fully control a light effect, you have to use its dedicated service call, like this:

    alias: 'Start colorloop'
      - service: light.lifx_effect_colorloop
          entity_id: group.livingroom
          brightness: 255
          period: 10
          spread: 30
          change: 35

The available light effects and their options are listed below.

Service light.lifx_effect_pulse

Run a flash effect by changing to a color and then back.

Service data attribute Description
entity_id String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of lights. Else targets all.
color_name A color name such as red or green.
rgb_color A list containing three integers representing the RGB color you want the light to be.
brightness Integer between 0 and 255 for how bright the color should be.
period The duration of a single pulse (in seconds).
cycles The total number of pulses.
mode The way to change between colors. Valid modes: blink (default), breathe, ping, strobe, solid.
power_on Set this to False to skip the effect on lights that are turned off (defaults to True).

Service light.lifx_effect_colorloop

Run an effect with colors looping around the color wheel. All participating lights will coordinate to keep similar (but not identical) colors.

Service data attribute Description
entity_id String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of lights. Else targets all.
brightness Number between 0 and 255 indicating brightness of the effect. Leave this out to maintain the current brightness of each participating light.
period Duration (in seconds) between starting a new color change.
transition Duration (in seconds) where lights are actively changing color.
change Hue movement per period, in degrees on a color wheel (ranges from 0 to 359).
spread Maximum color difference between participating lights, in degrees on a color wheel (ranges from 0 to 359).
power_on Set this to False to skip the effect on lights that are turned off (defaults to True).

Service light.lifx_effect_stop

Run an effect that does nothing, thereby stopping any other effect that might be running.

Service data attribute Description
entity_id String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of lights. Else targets all.