
LiteJet is a centralized lighting system that predates most home automation technology. All lights and wall switches are wired to a central panel. This central panel has a serial port interface that allows a computer to control the system via LiteJet’s third party protocol.

Home Assistant integrates the LiteJet 3rd party protocol and allows you to get the status and control the connected lights.

After connecting the LiteJet’s RS232-2 port to your computer, add the following to your configuration.yaml:

  port: /dev/serial/by-id/THE-PATH-OF-YOUR-SERIAL-PORT

Your LiteJet MCP should be configured for 19.2 K baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and to transmit a ‘CR’ after each response. These settings can be configured using the LiteJet programming software.

You can also configure the Home Assistant to ignore lights, scenes, and switches via their name. This is highly recommended since LiteJet has a fixed number of each of these and with most systems many will be unused.

Configuration variables:

  • port (Required): The path to the serial port connected to the LiteJet.
  • exclude_names (Optional): A list of light or switch names that should be ignored.
  • include_switches (Optional): Cause entities to be created for all the LiteJet switches. Default is false. This can be useful when debugging your lighting as you can press/release switches remotely.
  - 'Button #'
  - 'Scene #'
  - 'Timed Scene #'
  - 'Timed Scene#'
  - 'LV Rel #'
  - 'Fan #'


LiteJet switches can be used as triggers too to allow those buttons to behave differently based on hold time. For example, automation can distinguish quick tap versus long hold.

  • platform (Required): Must be ‘litejet’.
  • number (Required): The switch number to be monitored.
  • held_more_than (Optional): The minimum time the switch must be held before the trigger can activate.
  • held_less_than (Optional): The maximum time the switch can be held for the trigger to activate.

The trigger will activate at the earliest moment both held_more_than and held_less_than are known to be satisfied. If neither are specified, the trigger activates the moment the switch is pressed. If only held_more_than is specified, the trigger will activate the moment the switch has been held down at least that time. If held_less_than specified, the trigger can only activate when the switch is released.

- trigger:
    platform: litejet
    number: 55
      milliseconds: 1000
      milliseconds: 2000