Logitech Squeezebox

The squeezebox platform allows you to control a Logitech Squeezebox music player from Home Assistant. This lets you control Squeezebox hardware like the Classic, Transporter, Duet, Boom, Radio and Touch and of software players like SoftSqueeze, SqueezePlayer and SqueezeSlave.

To add your Squeezebox player to your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: squeezebox
    host: IP_ADDRESS

Configuration variables:

  • host (Required): The host name or address of the Logitech Media Server, eg.
  • port (Optional): Web interface port to Logitech Media Server. Defaults to 9000.
  • username (Optional): The username, if password protection is enabled.
  • password (Optional): The password, if password protection is enabled.

This platform now uses the web interface of the Logitech Media Server to send commands. The default port of the web interface is 9000. It is the same port that you use to access the LMS through your web browser. Originally, this platform used the telnet interface, which defaults to 9090. If you previously specified the port in your configuration file, you will likely need to update it.