Flux Led/MagicLight

The flux_led support is integrated into Home Assistant as a light platform. Several brands of both bulbs and controllers use the same protocol and they have the HF-LPB100 chipset in common. The chances are high that your bulb or controller (eg. WiFi LED CONTROLLER) will work if you can control the device with the MagicHome app.

Example of bulbs:

Examples of controllers:

Configuration Details

To enable those lights, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: flux_led

Configuration variables:

  • automatic_add (Optional): To enable the automatic addition of lights on startup.
  • devices (Optional): A list of devices with their ip address

Configuration variables within devices list:

  • name (Optional): A friendly name for the device.
  • mode (Optional): The chosen brightness mode; options are ‘rgbw’ and ‘rgb’, defaults to rgbw.
  • protocol (Optional): Set this to ‘ledenet’ if you are using a ledenet bulb.

Depending on your controller or bulb type, there are two ways to configure brightness. The component defaults to rgbw. If your device has a separate white channel, you do not need to specify anything else; changing the white value will adjust the brightness of white channel keeping rgb color constant. However, if your device does not have a separate white channel, you will need to set the mode to rgb. In this mode, the device will keep the same color, and adjust the rgb values to dim or brighten the color.

Example configuration

Will automatically search and add all lights on start up:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: flux_led
    automatic_add: True

Will add two lights with given name and create an automation rule to randomly set color each 45 seconds:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: flux_led
        name: flux_lamppost
        name: flux_living_room_lamp

  alias: random_flux_living_room_lamp
    platform: time
    seconds: '/45'
    service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.flux_living_room_lamp
      effect: random

Will add a light without the white mode:
      name: NAME
      mode: "rgb"

Will add a light with rgb+white mode (default). White and RGB channels can be adjusted independently using a slider and color picker respectively.
      name: NAME
      mode: "rgbw"

Some devices such as the Ledenet RGBW controller use a slightly different protocol for communicating the brightness to each color channel. If your device is only turning on or off but not changing color or brightness try adding the LEDENET protocol.

  - platform: flux_led
        name: NAME
        protocol: 'ledenet'


The FLUX_LED light offers a number of effects which are not included in other lighting packages. These can be selected from the front-end, or sent in the effect field of the light TURN_ON command.

Effect Name Description
colorloop Smoothly transitions through the rainbow
colorjump Jumps through seven different rainbow colors.
colorstrobe Strobes each rainbow color in a loop.
random Chooses a random color by selecting random values for R, G, and B
red_fade, green_fade, blue_fade, yellow_fade, cyan_fade, purple_fade, white_fade Fades between the color as indicated in the effect name and black.
rg_cross_fade Fades between red and green.
rb_cross_fade Fades between red and blue.
gb_cross_fade Fades between green and blue
red_strobe, green_strobe, blue_strobe, yellow_strobe, cyan_strobe, purple_strobe, white_strobe Strobes the color indicated by the effect name.