Checklist for creating a platform

A checklist of things to do when you’re adding a new platform.

Not all existing platforms follow the requirements in this checklist. This cannot be used as a reason to not follow them!

1. Requirements

  1. Requirement version should be pinned: REQUIREMENTS = ['phue==0.8.1']
  2. We no longer want requirements hosted on GitHub. Please upload to PyPi.
  3. Requirements should only be imported inside functions. This is necessary because requirements are installed on the fly.

2. Dependencies

  1. If you depend on a component for the connection, add it to your dependencies: DEPENDENCIES = ['nest']

3. Configuration

  1. Volutpuous schema present for config validation
  2. Voluptuous schema extends schema from component
    (e.g. light.hue.PLATFORM_SCHEMA extends light.PLATFORM_SCHEMA)
  3. Default parameters specified in voluptuous schema, not in setup_platform(…)
  4. Schema using as many generic config keys as possible from homeassistant.const
import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.const import CONF_FILENAME, CONF_HOST
from homeassistant.components.light import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv

CONF_ALLOW_UNREACHABLE = 'allow_unreachable'

    vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string,
                 default=DEFAULT_UNREACHABLE): cv.boolean,
    vol.Optional(CONF_FILENAME): cv.string,

4. Setup Platform

  1. Test if passed in info (user/pass/host etc.) works.
  2. Group your calls to add_devices if possible.
  3. If platform adds extra services, format should be <component>.<platform>_<service name>.

5. Entity

  1. Extend entity from component, e.g. class HueLight(Light)
  2. Do not call update() in constructor, use add_devices(devices, True) instead.
  3. Do not do any I/O inside properties. Cache values inside update() instead.

6. Communication with devices/services

  1. All API specific code has to be part of a third party library hosted on PyPi. Home Assistant should only interact with objects and not make direct calls to the API.
# bad
status = requests.get(url('/status'))

# good
from phue import Bridge
bridge = Bridge()
status = bridge.status()