Add-On Configuration

Each add-on is stored in a folder. The file structure looks like this:


Add-on script

As with every Docker container, you will need a script to run when the container is started. A user might run many add-ons, so it is encouraged to try to stick to Bash scripts if you’re doing simple things.

When developing your script:

  • /data is a volume for persistent storage.
  • /data/options.json contains the user configuration. You can use jq inside your shell script to parse this data. However you might have to install jq as a separate package in your container (see Dockerfile below).

TARGET=$(jq --raw-output ".target" $CONFIG_PATH)

So if your optionscontain

{ "target": "beer" }

then there will be a variable TARGETcontaining beer in the environment of your bash file afterwards.

Add-on Docker file

All add-ons are based on Alpine Linux 3.6. will automatically substitute the right base image based on the machine architecture. Add tzdata if you need run in correct timezone, but that is already add in our base images.



# Install requirements for add-on
RUN apk add --no-cache jq

# Copy data for add-on
RUN chmod a+x /

CMD [ "/" ]

If you don’t use local build on device or our build script, make sure that the Dockerfile have also a set of labels include:

LABEL io.hass.version="VERSION" io.hass.type="addon" io.hass.arch="armhf|aarch64|i386|amd64"

It is possible to use own base image with follow schema:


Or if you not want to do a multi arch build/support you can also use a simle docker FROM.

Add-on config

The config for an add-on is stored in config.json.

  "name": "xy",
  "version": "1.2",
  "slug": "folder",
  "description": "long descripton",
  "arch": ["amd64"],
  "url": "website with more information about add-on (ie a forum thread for support)",
  "startup": "application",
  "boot": "auto",
  "ports": {
    "123/tcp": 123
  "map": ["config:rw", "ssl"],
  "options": {},
  "schema": {},
  "image": "repo/{arch}-my-custom-addon"
Key Required Description
name yes Name of the add-on
version yes Version of the add-on
slug yes Slug of the add-on
description yes Description of the add-on
arch no List of supported arch: armhf, aarch64, amd64, i386. Default all.
url no Homepage of the addon. Here you can explain the add-ons and options.
startup yes initialize will start addon on setup of hassio. system is for things like database and base not on other things. services will start before homeassistant. application is after homeassistant will start or once for application they don’t run as deamon.
webui no A URL for webinterface of this add-on. Like http://[HOST]:[PORT:2839]/dashboard, the port need the internal port, we replace it later with the effective port.
boot yes auto by system and manual or only manual
ports no Network ports to expose from the container. Format is "container-port/type": host-port.
host_network no If that is True, the add-on run on host network.
devices no Device list to map into add-on. Format is: <path_on_host>:<path_in_container>:<cgroup_permissions>. i.e. /dev/ttyAMA0:/dev/ttyAMA0:rwm
hassio_api no This add-on can access to REST API. It set the host alias hassio.
privileged no Privilege for access to hardware/system. Available access: NET_ADMIN, SYS_ADMIN, SYS_RAWIO
map no List of maps for additional folders. Possible values: config, ssl, addons, backup, share. Default it map it ro, you can change that if you add a “:rw” at the end of name.
environment no A dict of environment variable to run add-on.
audio no Mark this add-on to use internal audio system. Environment is ALSA_INPUT and ALSA_OUTPUT to access the internal information for alsa.
options yes Default options value of the add-on
schema yes Schema for options value of the add-on. It can be False to disable schema validation and use custom options.
image no For use dockerhub.
timeout no Default 10 (second). The timeout to wait until the docker is done or will be killed.
tmpfs no Mount a tmpfs file system in /tmpfs. Valide format for this option is : size=XXXu,uid=N,rw. Size is mandatory, valid units (u) are k, m and g and XXX has to be replaced by a number. uid=N (with N the uid number) and rw are optional.

Options / Schema

The options dict contains all available options and their default value. Set the default value to null if the value is required to be given by the user before the add-on can start. Only non-nested arrays and dictorys are supported.

  "message": "custom things",
  "logins": [
    { "username": "beer", "password": "123456" },
    { "username": "cheep", "password": "654321" }
  "random": ["haha", "hihi", "huhu", "hghg"],
  "link": ""

The schema looks like options but describes how we should validate the user input. For example:

  "message": "str",
  "logins": [
    { "username": "str", "password": "str" }
  "random": ["str"],
  "link": "url"

We support:

  • str
  • bool
  • int / int(min,) / int(,max) / int(min,max)
  • float / float(min,) / float(,max) / float(min,max)
  • email
  • url
  • port
  • match(REGEX)