Creating custom panels

Any component has the possibility to add a panel to the frontend. Panels will be rendered full screen and have real-time access to the Home Assistant object via JavaScript. Examples of this in the app are map, logbook and history.

Create a file called hello.html in your /panels/.

The hello.html contains the needed building blocks to create the elements inside the view.

<dom-module id='ha-panel-hello'>
      p {
        font-weight: bold;
    <p>Hello {{who}}. Greetings from Home Assistant.</p>

  is: 'ha-panel-hello',
  properties: {
    // Home Assistant object
    hass: {
      type: Object,
    // If should render in narrow mode
    narrow: {
      type: Boolean,
      value: false,
    // If sidebar is currently shown
    showMenu: {
      type: Boolean,
      value: false,
    // Home Assistant panel info
    // panel.config contains config passed to register_panel serverside
    panel: {
      type: Object,
    who: {
      type: String,
      computed: 'computeWho(panel)',

  computeWho: function (panel) {
    return panel && panel.config && panel.config.who ? panel.config.who : 'World';

Create an entry for the new panel in your configuration.yaml file:

  - name: hello
    sidebar_title: Hello World
    sidebar_icon: mdi:hand-pointing-right
    url_path: hello

For more possibilities, see the Custom panel section on our Examples page.