
This page describes the steps for publishing a new Home Assistant release. Those steps requires that you don’t use forks but work with the repositories themself.

GitHub (3 days before release)

  1. Merge master into dev to make the PR mergeable.
  2. Cut a release branch from dev. Example name release-0-49.
  3. Create a pull request from the release branch to master with the upcoming release number as the title. PR message contains intro, highlighting major changes, and an overview of all changes tagging each author. Use hass-release to collect the details.
  4. Update homeassistant/ with the correct version number (remove the dev tag) and push that commit to release branch.
  5. From now until the release branch has been merged, we tag bugfixes with the milestone for the release (create if doesn’t exist).
  6. Update homeassistant/ with the upcoming version number (including the dev tag) and push that commit to the dev branch.

Website (3 days before release)

  1. Merge current into next
  2. Cut release branch of next. For example release-0-49.
  3. Open a PR from release branch to current with the upcoming release number as the title.


  1. Merge pull request (DO NOT SQUASH!).
  2. Go to releases and tag a new release on the master branch. “Tag version” and “Release title” are the version number (O.x for major version, 0.x.y for minor and bug fix releases). Release description is the text from PR. Press “Publish release” to finish the process.
  3. Merge master into dev.


  1. Create a blog post in the release branch and base it on the text of the PR in the main repository. Add images, additional text, links, etc. if it adds value. Tag each platform/component in a message to documentation.
  2. Create missing documentation as stubs.
  3. Update config.yml with link to the new release blog post and version number (at the bottom of the file).
  4. Merge current into release branch ($ git checkout release-0-40 && git merge current) to make the PR mergeable.
  5. Merge pull request (blog post, updated frontpage, and all new documentation) to current. DO NOT SQUASH!
  6. Run credits_generator.
  7. Merge current into next.

Docker Hub

Tags on Docker hub are automatically created when a release has been created on GitHub.

Python Package Index

Checkout the master branch and run script/release to publish the new release on Python Package Index.

Social media

  1. Use hootsuite to publish a link to the release post on social media.